This is Scary 😬 : a welcome post

Last week in Sedona aka Eden.

Last week in Sedona aka Eden.

In the weeks leading up to this introductory post, I received strong impulses to go deeper and to share more intimately. Starting this e-journal is a way for me to share on my own terms, without the anxiety and pressures of "noisy", overcrowded platforms. I’ve had tumblrs. I’ve had twitter. Instagram, TikTok, you name it. But blogging…this is something entirely new for me. I’ve always loved to write and share my experiences, yet for some reason I always hid, only sharing what lay on the surface. Worlds of words and expressions from within sought to escape but I held them captive from the universe. Up until this moment, I hid so much not only from those who might resonate with my words, but from myself as well.

Why do we hide from each other? Why do we snuff our shine? We seek closeness yet turn our backs on it out of fear. Speaking for myself, I have a strong desire to be seen. And on the other end of that spectrum is a fear of being felt. To be seen is simple; it requires a moment of visual splendor, eye candy if you will. Yet to be felt is much deeper. To be felt by another is to be intimate. And intimacy (especially with strangers) can be scary! But if I've learned anything during this global reset it's that your thoughts/feelings/intentions/etc. truly create your reality...and I no longer want to live in fear; I refuse to! I've decided to feel deeply and be felt deeply in return.

I value my words, knowing that they deserve to be heard and felt beyond the tap of a digital heart, which is why I built this temple for my stories. In this way, I am taking back ownership of my ethos.




This is the source. This is the hub. I'm elated to have you here!

I find that whenever I share on Instagram my decadent stories become fleeting in a sea of superfluous content. After deep reflection, I now know that these social media platforms aren't necessarily my place to share it all. With that being said, I am not abandoning Instagram or other platforms I use. However, if you want the unpasteurized fruit juice, you'll have to come to the source directly...🍉😛🧃🍯

Essentially, all that I desire to share with the world is much too grand for such a crowded digital space. Here's to sharing más on my own terms! I am ecstatic that my words and visions are finally springing to life in the fashion that they deserve!

My words. My life. My platform.

— Welcome, All…Let’s get intimate! —

With Love,


Flirting with Life! 🌹😉